Update 1.0 - August 21, 2024

This Privacy Policy aims to inform you about the personal data we collect, record, use, store and share about you.

Because we process this data, we are responsible for processing this personal data and, by legal obligation, we are obliged to provide you with information about our organization, the way in which your data is processed and the rights you have. about the same

1. Who are we?

Mirantes Technologies - Prestação de Serviços, Lda.
Rua 28 de Maio, Maianga
+ 244 933 057 508 Luanda - Angola

Who can your data be shared with?

To maintain and improve our services and so that Users can enjoy all the features of the “Mirantes” platform, their personal data may be shared or transmitted to companies to which the User applies for the vacancy, to other Data Controllers or, in some cases, to Authorities or Public Bodies.

We may be obliged, in particular, to share your personal data in response to requests from a Court, Judicial and Police Authorities or other Regulatory Authorities.

Wherever possible, you will be consulted before we make any such sharing and, to protect your privacy, we will ensure that we only share as little information as possible, taking into account the purpose for which it is required.

We may share your personal data with the following Data Controllers:

Responsible for processing: EMIS

Purpose: To validate payment made by the User

Country: Angola

4. Who carries out processing operations on our behalf?

We do not use subcontractors for the purposes of processing the personal data of Users of the Mirantes platform.

5. How do we guarantee the security of your data?

We are aware, attentive and constantly analyzing and improving the measures implemented to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, accidental loss, disclosure or destruction.

To prevent loss, disclosure, unauthorized use or access and to ensure appropriate use of your information, we implement appropriate and reasonable physical, technical and administrative security measures to safeguard your personal data.

We maintain data as required or permitted by Law. When and whenever we collect, transfer or store sensitive information we use a variety of additional security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

6. What are your Rights?

Right to Information: You have the right to obtain information from the Data Controller, namely identity and contact details;

Right of Access: The data subject has the right to obtain from the controller confirmation that personal data concerning him or her are being processed or not and, if this is the case, the right to access his or her personal data;

Right to Rectification: The holder has the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her and the right to have incomplete personal data completed;

Right to Erasure: In certain situations, you may have the right to obtain the erasure of your personal data;

Right to Limitation of Treatment: In certain situations, you may have the right to limit the processing of your personal data;

Right to Portability: In certain situations, you may have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you may have the right to transmit this data to another controller;

Right to Oppose: In certain situations, you may have the right, at any time, to object, for reasons relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data and we may be obliged to cease processing your personal data;

Right not to be subject to automated decisions: You have the right not to be subject to any decision made exclusively based on automated processing, including profiling, that produces effects in your legal sphere or that significantly affects you in a similar way.

7. How can you exercise your rights?

In accordance with Law 22/11 of 17 June, on the Protection of Personal Data, data holders can exercise their rights to information, access, opposition, as well as rectification, updating and deletion of their personal data.

To exercise these rights, please contact us at: or by visiting our facilities, located at Rua 28 de Maio, 7th floor, Porta E, Luanda/Angola, or by telephone No. 933 057 508. Personal s processed by our cookies, see our Privacy Policy.

8. Complaint to the Control Authority

If you are dissatisfied with the way we use your personal data or with the response regarding the exercise of one of your Rights, you can lodge a complaint with the National Protection Agency:

National Data Protection Agency (APD)
Rua do MAT, Complexo Administrativo Clássicos de Talatona, 3rd building, 7th floor.
Luanda - Angola
Telephone: +244 937 930 788
Email address: /

9. Our contacts

Telephone: (+244) 933 057 508

10. Updates

This Privacy Policy may be changed, being certain that, when this occurs and whenever there is a need, you will be notified of these changes.

Last update: August 21, 2024